

Built-ins in Evy are pre-defined functions and events that allow for user interaction, graphics, animation, mathematical operations, and more.

Functions are self-contained blocks of code that perform a specific task. Events are notifications that are sent to a program when something happens, such as when a user moves the mouse or presses a key.

For a more formal definition of the Evy syntax, see the Language Specification, and for an intuitive understanding see syntax by example.

#Input and Output


print prints the arguments given to it to the output area. It separates them by a single space and outputs a newline character at the end.


print "Hello"
print 2 true "blue"
print "array:" [1 2 3]
print "map:" {name:"Scholl" age:21}


2 true blue
array: [1 2 3]
map: {name:Scholl age:21}


print a:any...

The print function prints its arguments to the output area, each separated by a single space and terminated by a newline character. If no arguments are provided it only prints the newline character.

The backslash character \ can be used to represent special characters in strings. For example, the \t escape sequence represents a tab character, and the \n escape sequence represents a newline character. Quotes in string literals must also be escaped with backslashes, otherwise they will be interpreted as the end of the string literal. For example:

print "Here's a tab: 👉\t👈\nShe said: \"Thank you!\""


Here's a tab: 👉	👈
She said: "Thank you!"

In a browser environment print outputs to the output area. When running Evy from the command line interface, print prints to standard out.


read reads a line of input from the user and returns it as a string. The newline character is not included in the returned string.


name := read
print "Hello, "+name+"!"


Mary Jackson


Hello, Mary Jackson!



The read function returns a string that contains the line of input that the user entered up until, excluding the newline character. It is a blocking functions, which means that it will not return until the user has entered a line of input and pressed the Enter key.

In a browser environment read reads from the text input area. When running Evy from the command line interface, read reads from standard in.


cls clears the output area of all printed text.


print "Hello"
sleep 1
print "Bye"





The cls function clears all text output. In a browser environment cls clears the output area. When running Evy from the command line interface, cls clears the terminal, similar to the Unix clear or Windows cls commands.


printf stands for print formatted.

printf prints its arguments to the output area according to a format string. The format string is the first argument, and it contains specifiers. Specifiers start with a percent sign %. They tell the printf function how and where to print the remaining arguments inside the format string. The rest of the format string is printed to the output area without changes.

Here are some valid specifiers in Evy:

Specifier Description
%v the argument in its default format
%q a double-quoted string
%% a percent sign %


printf "The tank is 100%% full.\n\n"

weather := "rainy"
printf "It is %v today.\n" weather
rainfall := 10
printf "There will be %vmm of rainfall.\n" rainfall
unicorns := false
printf "There will be unicorns eating lollipops: %v.\n\n" unicorns

quote := "Wow!"
printf "They said: %q\n" quote
printf "Array: %v\n" [1 2 3]
printf "Map: %v\n" {a:1 b:2}


The tank is 100% full.

It is rainy today.
There will be 10mm of rainfall.
There will be unicorns eating lollipops: false.

They said: "Wow!"
Array: [1 2 3]
Map: {a:1 b:2}


printf format:string a:any...

The printf function prints its arguments to the output area according to the format string that is the first argument. The specifiers that start with % and are contained in the format string are replaced by the remaining arguments in the given order. For example, the following code printf "first: %s, second: %s" "A" "B" prints first: A, second: B.

Full list of valid specifiers in Evy:

Specifier Description
%v the argument in a default format
%t the word true or false
%f decimal point (floating-point) number, e.g. 123.456000
%e scientific notation, e.g. -1.234456e+78
%s string value
%q a double-quoted string
%% a literal percent sign %; consumes no value

If the arguments for the %s, %q, %f, %e, and %t specifiers do not match the required type, a panic will occur.

The width and precision of a floating-point number can be specified with the %f and %v format specifiers.

Here is a table that shows the different ways to specify the width and precision of a floating-point number:

Verb Description
%f default width, default precision
%7f width 7, default precision
%.2f default width, precision 2
%7.2f width 7, precision 2
%7.f width 7, precision 0

If the width/precision is preceded by a -, the value is padded with spaces on the right rather than the left. If it is preceded by a 0, the value is padded with leading zeros rather than spaces.

The width, precision and alignment prefix (- or 0) can be used with all valid specifiers. For example:

printf "right:  |%7.2f|\n" 1
printf "left:   |%-7.2v|\n" "abcd"
printf "zeropad:|%07.2f|\n" 1.2345


right:  |   1.00|
left:   |ab     |



len returns the number of characters in a string, the number of elements in an array or the number of key-value pairs in a map.


l := len "abcd"
print "len \"abcd\":" l

l = len [1 2]
print "len [1 2]:" l

l = len {a:3 b:4 c:5}
print "len {a:3 b:4 c:5}:" l


len "abcd": 4
len [1 2]: 2
len {a:3 b:4 c:5}: 3


len:num a:any

The len function takes a single argument, which can be a string, an array, or a map. If the argument is a string, len returns the number of characters in the string. If the argument is an array, len returns the number of elements in the array. If the argument is a map, len returns the number of key-value pairs in the map. If the argument is of any other type, a panic will occur.


typeof returns the type of the argument as string value.


a = "abcd"
t := typeof a
print "typeof \"abcd\":" t

t = typeof {kind:true strong:true}
print "typeof {kind:true strong:true}:" t

t = typeof [[1 2] [3 4]]
print "typeof [[1 2] [3 4]]:" t

t = typeof [1 2 true]
print "typeof [1 2 true]:" t

print "typeof []:" (typeof [])


typeof "abcd": string
typeof {kind:true strong:true}: {}bool
typeof [[1 2] [3 4]]: [][]num
typeof [1 2 true]: []any
typeof []: []any


typeof:string a:any

The typeof function takes a single argument, which can be of any type. The function returns a string that represents the type of the argument. The string returned by typeof is the same as the type in an Evy program, for example num, bool, string, []num, {}[]any. For an empty composite literal, typeof returns [] or {} as it can be matched to any subtype, e.g. [] can be passed to a function that takes an argument of []num, or []string.



has returns whether a map has a given key or not.


map := {a:1}
printf "has %v %q: %t\n" map "a" (has map "a")
printf "has %v %q: %t\n" map "X" (has map "X")


has {a:1} "a": true
has {a:1} "X": false


has:bool map:{} key:string

The has function takes two arguments: a map and a key. It returns true if the map has the key, and false if the map does not have the key. The map can be of any value type, such as {}num or {}[]any and the key can be any string.


del deletes a key-value entry from a map.


map := {a:1 b:2}
del map "b"
print map




del map:{} key:string

The del function takes two arguments: a map and a key. It deletes the key-value entry from the map if the key exists. If the key does not exist, the function does nothing. The map can have any value type, and the key can be any string. It is safe to delete values from the map with del while iterating with a for … range loop.

#Program control


sleep pauses the program for the given number of seconds.

sleep can be used to create delays in Evy programs. For example, you could use sleep to create a countdown timer.

In the browser runtime sleep pauses a minimum of 1 millisecond.


print "2"
sleep 1
print "1"




sleep seconds:num

The sleep function pauses the execution of the current Evy program for at least the given number of seconds. Sleep may also pause for a fraction of a second, e.g. sleep 0.1.


exit terminates the program with the given status code.


input := "not a number"
n := str2num input

if err
    print errmsg
    exit 1

print n


str2num: cannot parse "not a number"


panic prints the given error message and terminates the program immediately. It is used to report unrecoverable errors.


scale := -5

if (scale) <= 0
    panic "scale must be positive"


line 4 column 5: scale must be positive


panic msg:string

The panic function takes a single argument, which is the error message that the program will print before it terminates with exit status 1.


test is used to check if a condition is true or two values – want and got – are the same. If the condition is not true or the two values are not the same, the program will print the failed test and terminate with exit status 1.

test optionally takes a message or a format string with arguments to print along with the failed test as a third and following arguments:


answer := 6 * 9
test 42 answer "answer is 42 not %v" answer


❌ 1 failed test
✔️ 0 passed tests
line 2 column 9: failed test: want != got: 42 != 54 (answer is 42 not 54)


test cond:bool
test want:any got:any [msg:string [argsany...]]

The test function takes either a single boolean argument cond and ensures it is true, or two arguments want and got, in that order, and ensures they are the same.

In the case of the single argument, the argument must be of type bool. test verifies that this argument has the value true. If cond is false, test terminates the program execution and prints the failed test.

In the case of two arguments, want and got, test verifies the arguments are the same. If they are not the same test terminates the program execution and prints the failed test.

Sameness of want and got means either want == got or want and got are composite values, arrays or maps, containing the same values. want can be of a more specific type than got as long as their values are the same. For example, the following test holds true even though want is of type [][]num and got is of type []any.

got = [[1] [2 3]]
test [[1] [2 3]] got

In the case of three arguments, the third argument is a message of type string that is printed if the test fails.

In case of four or more arguments, the third argument is a format string with specifiers. The remaining arguments are the arguments are used to replace these specifiers, see sprintf for details on formatting. This means the following two tests are equivalent.

val := 2
test 1 val "val is %v" val
test 1 val (sprintf "val is %v" val)

Using test with four or more arguments is a convenience compared to adding an inline call to sprintf.



str2num converts a string to a number. If the string is not a valid number, it returns 0 and sets the global err variable to true.


n = str2num "1"
print "n:" n "err:" err
n = str2num "NOT-A-NUMBER"
print "n:" n "err:" err


n: 1 err: false
n: 0 err: true


str2num:num s:string

The str2num function converts a string to a number. It takes a single argument, which is the string to convert. If the string is a valid number, the function returns the number. Otherwise, the function returns 0 and sets the global err variable to true. For more information on err, see the Recoverable Errors section.


str2bool converts a string to a boolean. If the string is not a valid boolean, it returns false and sets the global err variable to true.


b = str2bool "true"
print "b:" b "err:" err
b = str2bool "NOT-A-BOOL"
print "b:" b "err:" err


b: true err: false
b: false err: true


str2bool:bool s:string

The str2bool function converts a string to a bool. It takes a single argument, which is the string to convert. The function returns true if the string is equal to "true", "True", "TRUE", or "1", and false if the string is equal to "false", "False", "FALSE", or "0". The function returns false and sets the global err variable to true if the string is not a valid boolean. For more information on err, see the Recoverable Errors section.


Evy has two types of errors: parse errors and run-time errors.

For example, the following code will sometimes cause a run-time error:

if (rand1) < 0.5
    n = str2num "not-a-number"
    n = str2num "5"
print "n:" n "error:" err

Half the time, the program above will cause a run-time error and print n: 0 error: true. The other half of the time, no error will occur and the program will print n:5 error:false.

Evy has two types of run-time errors: panic and error.


A panic causes the program to exit immediately and print an error message. Panics typically occur when the program encounters a situation that it cannot handle, such as trying to access an element of an array that is out of bounds. Panics cannot be intercepted by the program, so it is important to take steps to prevent them from occurring in the first place.

One way to do this is to use guarding code, which is code that checks for potential errors and takes steps to prevent them from occurring. For example, guarding code could be used to check the length of an array before trying to access an element to avoid an out of bounds error. If the access index is out of bounds, the guarding code could report the error.

Here is an example of a panic:

arr := [0 1 2]
i := 5 // e.g. user input
print arr[i] // out of bounds
print "This line will not be executed"

This code will cause a panic because the index 5 is out of bounds for the array arr. The program will exit with the error message

line 3: panic: index out of bounds: 5

If you want your own code to panic, you can use the built-in panic function. This is typically used to highlight mistakes or bugs in your program, such as invalid function arguments or conditions that should never occur. The panic function exits your program immediately, so it should only be used when it is clear that the program cannot continue. For more information, see the Panic section under Program Control above.

#Recoverable Errors

The global err variable is used to indicate whether a recoverable error has occurred. The global errmsg variable stores a detailed message about the error that occurred.

Recoverable errors are caused by code that could not be prevented from running, such as converting a user input string to a number if the string is not a number. This recoverable error will set the global err variable to true and the program will continue executing. If there is no error, err is set to false.

The global errmsg variable stores a detailed message about the error which is set alongside err. errmsg is set to the empty string "" if no error has occurred. If an error does occur, errmsg is set to a message that describes the error.

When a function that could potentially cause an error finishes executing without an error, the err variable is reset to false and the errmsg variable is set to the empty string. This is done even if the err variable was previously set to true or the errmsg variable was not empty. Therefore, it is up to the program to check the err variable after any possible error occurrence.

Here is an example of a recoverable error:

n := str2num "NOT A NUM"
print "num:" n
print "err:" err
print "errmsg:" errmsg


num: 0
err: true
errmsg: str2num: cannot parse "NOT A NUM"

If you want your own code or function to cause a recoverable error, follow the convention of setting the err variable to true and the errmsg variable to a message describing the error in the error case. In the non-error case, make sure to set the err variable to false.



sprint stands for print to string.

It returns a string representation of the arguments given to it. It separates them by a single space. Unlike print, there is no newline added to the end.


s := sprint "a" [true] {a:1 b:2}
printf "%q\n" s
printf "%q\n" (sprint)


"a [true] {a:1 b:2}"


sprint:string a:any...

The sprint function takes any number of arguments and returns a string that represents them, separated by a single space. The arguments can be of any type, including strings, numbers, booleans, and maps. Unlike the print function, there is no newline added to the end of the string.


sprintf stands for print formatted to string.

sprintf returns a string representation of its arguments according to a format string. Formatting in sprintf and printf work the same way, see printf.


s := sprintf "%10q: %.f" "val" 123.45
print s


     "val": 123


sprintf:string format:string a:any...

The sprintf function returns a string representation of its arguments according to a format string. The format string controls how the arguments are formatted. The sprintf function works the same way as the printf function, and the formatting syntax is the same, see printf.


join concatenates the elements of an array of values into a single string, with the given separator string placed between elements. Any elements of the array that are not strings are formatted as strings.


s := join ["a" "b" "c" 1 3.141592654 true] ", "
print s


a, b, c, 1, 3.141592654, true


join:string elems:[]any sep:string

The join function takes two arguments: an array of any and a separator string. The array of any is the list of elements to be concatenated. The separator string is the string that will be placed between elements in the resulting string. Values of the array that are not strings are formatted as strings.

The join function returns a single string that is the concatenation of the elements in the list of any, with the separator string placed between elements.


split splits a string into a list of substrings separated by the given separator. The separator can be any string, including the empty string.


print (split "a,b,c" ",")
print (split "a,b,c" ".")
print (split "a,b,c" "")


[a b c]
[a , b , c]


split:[]string s:string sep:string

The split function takes two arguments: the string to be split and the separator string. The string to be split is the string that will be split into substrings. The separator string is the string that will be used to split the string.

The split function returns a list of substrings. The list of substrings contains all of the substrings of the original string that are separated by the separator string.

If the string does not contain the separator, the split function returns an array of length 1 containing the original string.

If the separator is the empty string, the split function splits the string after each character (UTF-8 sequence).

If both the string and the separator are empty, the split function returns an empty list.


upper returns a string with all lowercase letters converted to uppercase.


s := upper "abc D e ü"
print s




upper:string s:string

The upper function takes a single argument: the string to be converted to uppercase. The function returns a new string with all lowercase letters converted to uppercase. All other characters are left unchanged.

The upper function uses the Unicode character database to determine which characters are lowercase and their equivalent uppercase form.


lower returns a string with all uppercase letters converted to lowercase.


s := lower "abc D e ü"
print s


abc d e ü


lower:string s:string

The lower function takes a single argument: the string to be converted to lowercase. The function returns a new string with all uppercase letters converted to lowercase. All other characters are left unchanged.

The lower function uses the Unicode character database to determine which characters are uppercase and their equivalent lowercase form.


index returns the position of a substring in a string, or -1 if the substring is not present.


n := index "abcde" "de"
print n




index:num s:string sub:string

The index function finds the index of a substring sub in a string s. It returns the index of the first occurrence of a sub within s, or -1 if the substring is not present.


startswith tests whether a string begins with a given prefix.


b := startswith "abcde" "ab"
print b




startswith:bool s:string prefix:string

The startswith function tests whether the string s begins with prefix and returns true if s starts with prefix, false otherwise.


endswith tests whether a string ends with a given suffix.


b := endswith "abcde" "ab"
print b




endswith:bool s:string suffix:string

The endswith function tests whether the string s ends with suffix and returns true if s ends with suffix, false otherwise.


trim removes leading and trailing characters from a string.


s := trim ".,..abc.de." ".,"
print s




trim:string s:string cutset:string

The trim function removes any characters in cutset from the beginning and end of string s. It returns a copy of the resulting string.


replace replaces all occurrences of a substring with another substring in a string.


s := replace "abc123xyzabc abc" "abc" "ABC"
print s




replace:string s:string old:string new:string

The replace function replaces all occurrences of the substring old in the string s with the substring new.


repr returns a string representation of its arguments, typically as valid, formatted Evy code. The notable exception are maps with keys that could not be used in a map literal.


s := repr 1 "abc"
print s


1 "abc"


repr:string a:any...

The repr function returns a string representation of its arguments, typically as valid, formatted Evy code. The notable exception are maps with keys that could not be used in a map literal.

Type Representation
num as is
bool as is
string double-quoted with internal quotes escaped
[]... enclosed in square brackets, details below
{}... enclosed in curly braces, details below

The elements of an array are printed according to repr and space-separated.

The key-value pairs of a map are space-separated, with keys separated from values by :. Keys are printed without quotes if they are valid identifiers or Evy keywords, and surrounded by quotes with escaped internal quotes if not. Values are printed according to repr.



rand returns a random, non-negative integer less than the argument.


print (rand 3)
print (rand 3)

Sample output



rand:num n:num

The rand functions returns, a non-negative pseudo-random integer number in the half-open interval [0,n). A panic occurs for n <= 0.


rand1 returns a random, non-negative floating point number less than 1.


print (rand1)
print (rand1)

Sample output




The rand1 function returns a pseudo-random floating point number in the half-open interval [0.0,1.0).



min returns the smaller of the two given numbers.


print (min 3 1)




min:num n1:num n2:num

The min function returns the smaller of the two given number arguments.


max returns the greater of the two given numbers.


print (max 3 1)




max:num n1:num n2:num

The max function returns the greater of the two given number arguments.


abs returns the absolute value of a number.


print (abs 3)
print (abs -2.5)




abs:num n:num

The abs function returns the absolute value of a number, which is its magnitude without regard to its sign.


floor returns the greatest integer value less than or equal to the given number.


print (floor 2.7)
print (floor 3)




floor:num n:num

The floor function returns the greatest integer value less than or equal to its number argument n.


ceil returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the given number.


print (ceil 2.1)
print (ceil 4)

Sample output



ceil:num n:num

The ceil function returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to its number argument n.


round returns the nearest integer to the given number, rounding half away from 0.


print (round 2.4)
print (round 2.5)

Sample output



round:num n:num

The round function returns the nearest integer to the given number argument n, rounding half away from 0.


pow returns the value of the first number raised to the power of the second number.


print (pow 2 3)




pow:num b:num exp:num

The pow function returns b to the power of exp. The first number argument b is the base. The second number argument exp is the exponent.


log returns the logarithm of the given number, to the base of e.


printf "%.2f\n" (log 1)
printf "%.2f\n" (log 2.7183) // e




log:num n:num

The log function returns the natural logarithm, the logarithm of the given number argument n, to the base of e.


sqrt returns the square root of the given number.


print (sqrt 9)




sqrt:num n:num

The sqrt function returns the positive square root of the number argument n.


pi is a global variable with the value of the mathematical constant π.


sin returns the sine of the given angle in radians.


print (sin 0.5*pi)




sin:num n:num

The sin function returns the sine of the given angle n in radians.


cos returns the cosine of the given angle in radians.


print (cos pi)




cos:num n:num

The cos function returns the cosine of the given angle n in radians.


atan2 returns the angle in radians between the positive x-axis and the ray from the origin to the point x y.


rad := atan2 1 1
degrees := rad * 180 / pi
printf "rad: %.2f degrees: %.2f" rad degrees


rad: 0.79 degrees: 45.00


atan2:num y:num x:num

The atan2 function returns the angle in radians between the positive x-axis and the ray from the origin to the point x y. More formally, it returns the arc tangent of y/x for given arguments y and x, using the signs of the two to determine the quadrant of the return value.


Evy on the web outputs drawing commands to a drawing area called the canvas.

Positions on the canvas are defined by a coordinate system, similar to the Cartesian coordinate system used in mathematics. The horizontal dimension is called the x-axis, and the vertical dimension is called the y-axis.

A point on the canvas is defined by its x and y coordinates, which are written as x y. For example, the point 30 60 has an x-coordinate of 30 and a y-coordinate of 60. It is located 30 units from the left edge of the canvas and 60 units from the bottom edge.

Cartesian coordinates with x and y axes and point (30, 60)

Evy source: coordinates.

The canvas ranges from coordinates 0 0 to 100 100. The center of the canvas has the coordinates 50 50.

Shapes are drawn on the canvas using a pen. The pen has an x y position and a style. The position of the pen is also known as the current cursor position.

Some graphics functions, like line, rect, circle, and text, create shapes on the canvas. Other graphics functions such as color, width, and font set the style of the pen for subsequent drawing commands.


move sets the position of the pen to the given coordinates.


move 30 60
circle 1


small black dot at coords 30 60


move x:num y:num

The move function sets the position of the cursor to the given x and y coordinates. The initial cursor position is 0 0.


line draws a line from the current position of the pen to the given coordinates.


The following example draws a triangle.

move 30 20
line 70 20
line 50 50
line 30 20


triangle in bottom half of canvas


line x:num y:num

The line function draws a line from the current cursor position to the given x and y coordinates. The cursor position is then updated to the given coordinates, which allows for easy polygon drawing.


rect draws a rectangle with the given width and height at the pen's current position.


move 40 20
rect 10 30
rect 40 20


two black rectangles with touching vertices


rect width:num height:num

The rect function draws a rectangle with the given width and height at the current cursor position. The cursor position is then updated to the position that is the width and height away from the current position. In other words, the opposite corner of the rectangle is at the new cursor position.


circle draws a circle with given radius at the pen's current position.


move 50 50
circle 10


black circle in the canvas center


circle radius:num

The circle function draws a circle with the given radius centered at the current cursor position. The cursor position does not change after drawing a circle.


color changes the color of the pen. All CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) color values are supported. You can start by using the simpler named CSS colors , such as "red", "darkmagenta", and "springgreen".


color "darkmagenta"
rect 20 20


dark magenta square in bottom left corner


color c:string

The color function changes the color of the stroke and the fill to the given CSS color string c. Evy supports all CSS color values, including semi-transparent ones. For example, the following code changes the color to a shade of red that is 60% opaque: color "rgb(100% 0% 0% / 60%)".

Named CSS colors, such as "red", "darkmagenta", and "springgreen", are a simpler way of specifying common colors. For a complete list of named CSS colors, see the Mozilla Developer documentation.

If the color string c is not recognized as a valid CSS color, the color does not change. The initial color is "black".


colour is an alternate spelling of color. See color.


hsl returns a string to be used with the color and clear functions. The arguments to the hsl function are numbers and therefore are more suited to mathematical manipulation, e.g. to find the complimentary color, create a trail in animations with the alpha value or create color gradients.

hsl takes one to four arguments - hue, saturation, lightness, and alpha - and returns a CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) hsl function string specifying a color.

The hue argument is required. It is a number from 0 to 360 that represents the color on the color wheel:

hue color
red 0 "red"
yellow 60 "yellow"
lime 120 "lime" green
cyan 180 "cyan"
blue 240 "blue"
magenta 300 "magenta"

The saturation, lightness and alpha arguments are optional and must range between 0 and 100 percent if given:


for i := range 360
    color (hsl i)
    move i/3.6 0
    rect 1/3.6 100


vertical color gradient from red to aqua to red again


hsl:string hue:num [saturation:num [lightness:num [alpha:num]]]

hsl returns a string to be used with the color and clear functions. hsl takes one to four num arguments - hue, saturation, lightness, and alpha - and returns string containing a CSS hsl function string.

The hue value must be between 0 and 360. The saturation, lightness and alpha values must be between 0 and 100. See the Mozilla Developer documentation on the CSS hsl function for more details.


width sets the thickness of the lines drawn by the pen.


width 10
line 30 30
width 1
line 60 60
width 0.1
line 90 90


diagonal lines of different width


width n:num

The width function sets the thickness of the stroke to the given n units. The stroke is the visible line that is drawn when using the line function or any other shape function after setting fill "none". The initial stroke width it 0.1 units.


clear clears the canvas. Optionally, it can take a color argument to clear the canvas to.


The following example code shows how to draw a magenta square, clear the canvas, and then draw a blue circle. The final result is a canvas with a blue circle centered at 20 20. The magenta square is not visible because it has been removed by the clear function.

color "darkmagenta"
rect 20 20
color "blue"
circle 5


blue circle in bottom left corner


clear [c:string]

The clear function clears the canvas. It can optionally take a color as a string argument, in which case the canvas will be cleared to that color. If no color is specified, the canvas will be cleared to "white". Initially the canvas is cleared to "white", not "transparent".


grid draws a grid on the canvas. The grid is parallel to the x and y axes, and each grid line is spaced 10 units apart.




10x10 grid lines



The grid function draws a grid on the canvas. The grid lines are parallel to the x and y axes, and each grid line is spaced 10 units apart. The grid lines are 0.1 units thin and have a semi-transparent gray color, with an opacity of 50%. This makes the grid lines faint enough to be drawn on top of other shapes. The grid lines that go through the point 50 50, which is the center of the canvas, are slightly thicker. The thickness of these grid lines is 0.2 units, which makes it easier to see the center of the canvas.

The grid function is a shorthand of the gridn function with the arguments 10 and "hsl(0deg 100% 0% / 50%)", see gridn. It is roughly equivalent to the following Evy code. However, the current color, cursor position, and line width are not affected by the built-in grid function.

color "hsl(0deg 100% 0% / 50%)"
for i := range 0 101 10
    width 0.1
    if i == 50
        width 0.2
    move i 0
    line i 100
    move 0 i
    line 100 i


gridn draws a grid on the canvas. The grid is parallel to the x and y axes, and each grid line is spaced the given number of units apart. The color of the grid is set to the given color.


gridn 2 "red"


50x50 red grid lines


gridn n:num c:string

The gridn function draws a grid on the canvas. The grid lines are parallel to the x and y axes, and each grid line is spaced n units apart. The color of the grid is set to the color specified by the string argument c. The default line width is 0.1 units. Every fifth grid line is slightly thicker, with a line width of 0.2 units.

The gridn function is roughly equivalent to the following Evy code, but the current color, cursor position, and line width are not affected by the built-in gridn function.

c := "red"
n := 2

color c
linecnt := 0
for i := range 0 101 n
    width 0.1
    if linecnt % 5 == 0
        width 0.2
    linecnt = linecnt + 1
    move i 0
    line i 100
    move 0 i
    line 100 i


poly draws polylines and polygons for the given coordinates.


The following code draws a w-shaped red polyline and a yellow triangle.

width 1
color "red"

fill "none"
poly [10 80] [30 60] [50 80] [70 60] [90 80]

fill "gold"
poly [10 20] [50 50] [20 10] [10 20]


w-shaped red polyline, yellow triangle


poly xy:[]num...

The poly function draws polylines and polygons for the given coordinates. A polyline is a sequence of connected line segments, and a polygon is a closed polyline.

The poly function takes a variadic number of arguments of type []num. Each argument has to be a number array with two elements [x y]. The first element representing the x coordinate and the second the y coordinate of a vertex in the polyline or polygon. If the array does not have two elements, a panic occurs. For example, the poly function can be called as follows:

poly [x1 y1] [x2 y2] [x3 y3]

Use fill "none" to draw a line without filling. To draw a closed polygon, make sure that the first and last coordinates are the same. The poly function does not use or change the cursor position.


ellipse draws an ellipse for given center, radii and optional tilt, start and end angles.


// red circle
color "red"
ellipse 50 50 40

// yellow, flat ellipse
color "gold"
ellipse 50 50 40 10

// blue, flat ellipse tilted by 45°
color "blue"
ellipse 50 50 40 10 45

// white, flat, half ellipse tilted by 135°
color "white"
ellipse 50 50 40 10 135 0 180


red circle with yellow ellilpse, tilted blue ellipse and whit half-ellipse


ellipse x:num y:num rx:num [ry:num [tilt:num [start:num end:num]]]

The ellipse function draws an ellipse with the given center, radii, tilt, and start and end angles. It can take 3, 4, 5, or 7 arguments. Default values are used for omitted arguments.

The first two arguments are the coordinates of the center of the ellipse. The third argument is the radius of the ellipse in the x direction. The fourth argument is the radius of the ellipse in the y direction. If the fourth argument is omitted, the ellipse is drawn as a circle. The fifth argument is the tilt of the ellipse in degrees, with a default value of 0. The sixth and seventh arguments are the start and end angles of the ellipse in degrees, with default values of 0 and 360, respectively.


stroke sets the color of the outline of shapes.


The following code draws two red squares, one with a blue outline.

width 1
color "red"
rect 30 30

stroke "blue"
rect 30 30


two red sqaures one with blue outline


stroke c:string

The stroke function sets the color of the stroke to the given string argument c. The stroke is the visible line that is drawn when you use the line function or any other shape function after calling fill "none". The initial stroke color is "black".


fill sets the color of the interior of shapes.


The following code draws a red square and a blue square with a red outline.

width 1
color "red"
rect 30 30

fill "blue"
rect 30 30


a red sqaures and a blue square with red outline


fill c:string

The fill function sets the color of the fill to the given string argument c. The fill is the interior of a shape. The initial fill color is "black".


dash sets the line dash pattern.


width 2

dash 5 // same as: dash 5 5, dash 5 5 5
hline 85 "red"

dash 10 4 1 4
hline 75 "blue"

dash 10 5 10 // same as: dash 10 5 10 10 5 10
hline 65 "gold"

dash // reset dash
hline 50 "black"

gridn 5 "gray"

func hline y:num c:string
    color c
    move 0 y
    line 100 y


dash patterns


dash segments:num...

The dash function sets the line dash pattern used when stroking lines. The dash pattern is specified as a variadic number of arguments, where each argument represents the length of a dash or gap. For example, the arguments 5 10 would create a line with 5-unit long dashes and 10-unit long gaps.

If the number of arguments is odd, they are copied and concatenated. For example, the arguments 10 5 10 would become 10 5 10 10 5 10. If no arguments are given, the line returns to being solid.

The initial dash pattern is a solid line.


linecap sets the shape of the ends of lines.


width 5

linecap "round"
hline 70

linecap "butt"
hline 50

linecap "square"
hline 30

func hline y:num
    move 10 y
    line 90 y


round and square line caps


linecap style:string

The linecap function sets the shape of the ends of lines to the style string argument. Valid styles are "round", "butt" or "square". An invalid style takes no effect.

Style Description
"round" The ends of the line are rounded.
"butt" The ends of the line are squared off at the endpoints.
"square" The ends of the line are squared off by adding a box with an equal width and half the height of the line's thickness.

The initial linecap style is "round".


text prints text to the canvas at the current cursor position.


move 20 70
text "“Time is an illusion."
move 20 63
text "Lunchtime doubly so.”"
move 35 48
text "― Douglas Adams"


text sample


text s:string

The text function prints the string argument s to the canvas at the current cursor position. The cursor position is not updated after writing text. Only fill and color have an effect on the text; stroke has no effect. For more text styling, such as setting font size or font family, see font.


font sets the font properties for text. The font properties are family,size, weight, style, letterspacing, baseline, and align.


font {family:"Bradley Hand, cursive" size:4}

move 10 65
text "“The wonderful thing about programming"
move 10 60
text "is that anyone can learn it and do it. You"
move 10 55
text "don't have to be a genius or have a specific"
move 10 50
text "background. You just need curiosity and"
move 10 45
text "the willingness to try.”"

// all font properties
font {
    style:"normal" // "normal"
    family:"Tahomana, sans-serif" // see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-family
    letterspacing:-0.5 // extra inter-character space. negative allowed. default:0
    align:"right" // "left", "right"
    baseline:"middle" // "top", "bottom", "alphabetic" (default)

move 90 32
color "red"
text "Grace Hopper"
color "black"
font {size:4 letterspacing:0 weight:100 style:"normal"}
move 90 25
text "computer scientist, compiler builder"


styled text sample

The following example shows the effect of the align and baseline properties:

font {size:6 family:"Fira Code, monospace"}

move 25 78
line 25 86
move 25 80
font {align:"left"}
text "left"

move 25 63
line 25 71
move 25 65
font {align:"right"}
text "right"

move 25 48
line 25 56
move 25 50
font {align:"center"}
text "center"

move 55 80
line 90 80
move 55 80
font {baseline:"bottom" align:"left"}
text "bottom"

move 55 65
line 90 65
move 55 65
font {baseline:"top"}
text "top"

move 55 50
line 90 50
move 55 50
font {baseline:"middle"}
text "middle"

move 55 35
line 90 35
move 55 35
font {baseline:"alphabetic"}
text "alphabetic"


styled text sample


font props:{}any

The font function sets the font properties for text. The font properties are family, size, weight, style, letterspacing, align, and baseline.

The family property specifies a prioritized list of one or more font family names. Values are separated by commas to indicate that they are alternatives. The browser will select the first available font. For example, the value "Fira Code, monospace" would specify that the browser should try to use the Fira Code font, but if that font is not available, it should use a monospace font. The default font family is the browser default.

The size property specifies the height of a letter in canvas units. The default size is 6.

The weight property specifies the boldness of the font. The values 100, 200, ..., 900 can be used to specify the weight of the font. The value 400 is normal, 700 is bold. The default weight is 400.

The style property specifies the sloping of the font. The values "normal" and "italic" can be used to specify the style of the font. The default style is "normal".

The letterspacing property specifies the additional horizontal space between text characters in canvas units. The default value is 0.

The align property specifies the horizontal alignment of the text. The values "left", "right", and "center" can be used to specify the alignment. The default value is "left".

The baseline property specifies the vertical cursor position relative to the vertical text position. The values "top", "bottom", "middle", and "alphabetic" can be used to specify the baseline. The default value is "alphabetic".

Here is an example of how to use the font function:

font {
    family:"Fira Code, monospace"

This code sets the font properties to use the Fira Code font, a size of 9, a weight of 700, an italic style, a letterspacing of 0.5, a top baseline, and a center alignment.

#Event Handlers

Evy first executes all top-level code in the order it appears in the source code. If there is at least one event handler, Evy then enters an event loop. In the event loop, Evy waits for external events, such as a key press or a pointer down event. When an event occurs, Evy calls the corresponding event handler function if it has been implemented. The event handler function can optionally receive arguments, such as the key character or the pointer coordinates. Once the event handler function has finished, Evy returns to the event loop and waits for the next event.

Event handlers are declared using the on keyword. Only predefined events can be handled: key, down, up, move, animate, and input. For example, the following code defines an event handler for the key press event:

on key k:string
    print k

The parameters to the event handlers must match the expected signature. The key event handler expects a single parameter of type string, which is the character that was pressed. The parameters can be fully omitted or fully specified. If only some parameters are needed, use the anonymous _ parameter. The down event handler, for instance, expects two parameters, the x and y coordinates of the pointer. If you only need the x coordinate, you can use on down x:num _:num.

Pointer events, such as down, up, and move, occur when a pointing input device, such as a mouse, a pen or stylus, or a finger, is used to interact with the canvas.


key is called when a key on the keyboard is pressed.


on key k:string
    print k

Sample output



key k:string

The key event handler is called when a keydown event occurs. The handler is passed a string argument which is the character of the key that was pressed. For example, if the user presses the a key, the argument would be the string "a".

Some keys do not have a character representation, such as the arrow keys or the shift key. For these keys, the argument is a special string, such as "ArrowRight", "ArrowUp", "Shift", "Enter", "Control", "Alt", "Backspace", or "Escape".

When the shift key is pressed and then another key is pressed, the argument is the uppercase or special character representation of the key that was pressed. For example, if the user presses shift+a, the argument is the string "A".


down is called when the pointer is pressed down.


on down x:num y:num
    printf "x: %2.0f y: %2.0f\n" x y

Sample output

x: 42 y: 85
x:  7 y:  6


down x:num y:num

The down event handler is called when a pointerdown event occurs on the canvas. The handler is passed two number arguments, x and y, which are the coordinates of the pointer location when the pointer was pressed down. The pointer is typically a mouse, stylus or finger.


up is called when the pointer is lifted up.


on up x:num y:num
    move x y
    color "red"
    circle 1

Sample output

red dots


up x:num y:num

The up event handler is called when a pointerup event occurs on the canvas. The handler is passed two number arguments, x and y, which are the coordinates of the pointer location when the pointer was lifted up. The pointer is typically a mouse, stylus or finger.


move is called when the pointer is moved.


The following sample draws a line following the pointer's movement.

down := false
width 1

on down x:num y:num
    down = true
    move x y

on move x:num y:num
    if down
        line x y

on up
    down = false

Sample output

black line tracking short and fast mouse movement


move x:num y:num

The move event handler is called when a pointermove event occurs on the canvas. The handler is passed two number arguments, x and y, which are the coordinates of the position that the pointer has moved to. The pointer is typically a mouse, stylus or finger.


animate gets called periodically around 60 times per second.


semiblack := "hsl(0deg 0% 0% / 10%)"
width 1
fill semiblack
stroke "red"

on animate ms:num
    clear semiblack
    y := 100 - (ms / 20) % 100
    move 50 y
    circle 10


red circle reapeated falling


animate elapsed:num

The animate event handler is called when an animation frame is available. This means that the handler will be called typically 60 times in a second, but it will generally match the display refresh rate. If the computations within a single animate call take too long, the frame rate will drop.

The animate event handler is passed a single numeric argument which is the number of elapsed milliseconds since the start of the animation. This allows you to track the progress of the animation and to update the animation accordingly.


input is called when the value of an input element changes.


on input id:string val:string
    print "id:" id "val:" val

Sample Output from the Evy website

id: sliderx val: 15
id: slidery val: 0
id: slidery val: 100


input id:string val:id

The input event handler is called when the value of an input element changes. The handler is passed two string arguments: the id of the input element and its new value.

For example, if you have an input element with the id sliderx and the user changes the value of the slider to 15, the input event handler will be called with the arguments sliderx and 15.

The Evy web interface has two sliders that are used as input elements. The sliders range from 0 to 100, and their ids are sliderx and slidery. When you change the position of the sliders the input event handler is called with the new position value of the slider.


large, interactive letter 'e' as evy logo large, interactive letter 'e' as evy logo

Evy is a simple programming language, made to learn coding.

Evy is a modern, beginner-friendly programming language that bridges the gap between block-based coding and conventional programming languages. Its simple syntax and small set of built-in functions make it easy to learn and use, but it still is powerful enough for user interaction, games, and animations.

Created by a software engineer and parent who struggled to teach their kids programming with conventional languages, Evy is designed to make real programming as fun and easy as possible.